
💎 Adobe PDF Services Ruby Gem

A gem I made primarily for the PDF parsing and extraction used by Forked from another project, I wasn’t a fan of heavily repeat logic used and it also didn’t support the newer PDF extraction operation. I rebuilt almost all of it using more object-oriented principles and adapted the tests to fit the usage patterns I expected to have.


  • Supports passing a block that will recieve both the operation status and the result that is called as the operation progresses, so applications can react to the status in addition to the result.
  • Cleans up uploaded asset to save storage after extraction
  • Support for almost all AdobePDFServices operations
  • Nice and DRY :)

📸 Flassh Photobooths | Connect App Rebuild

I migrated their existing Connect application from a C# application with Canon support to a Rust + Tauri powered application leveraging libgphoto2 to support most cameras, in addition to Mac and Linux support for planned integrated devices.


  • Additional support for DSLR’s from most makes and most models via libgphoto2
  • Built with Tauri, Leptos, and Rust to provide multi-platform support with high performance
  • Multiple bug fixes on the original application, including camera disconnect/reconnect support, camera selection, and status indication

Contracted by Red Hat to help them update their community site with updated Kubernetes information, new pages, and relevant Kubecon information prior to Kubecon Amsterdam.

Tech Stack

  • Gatsby
  • React
  • TailwindCSS

Open Source

As of right now most of my open source work has been bug fixes and more features, although at some point I plan on getting more involved


Added a flag to enable the application to follow the system theme, using Electron, IPC, and a connection to the inner Teams app.


Added support for the Steam installation to be automatically detected when installed via Flatpak, and added functionality to ask the user which version they’d like to manage.

City of Detroit crime-viewer

Fixed a crash that would occur when trying to view an arrest on an Interection where the offense wasn’t included in the response. Also adjusted the title and favicon away from create-react-app default.
Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy